Instructions for Authors

Researchers who wish to present their work at ECQT 2016 should submit an abstract.

Please note that

  • The deadline for submission of an abstract is April 15, 2016.
  • Each abstract accepted for presentation at ECQT 2016 will require a separate registration.
  • Each participant to ECQT 2016 is allowed to present at most one abstract, but might co-author an arbitrary number of abstracts.
  • Speakers are required to register before May 31 (deadline for early registration).
  • Both the tex and the pdf files of the abstract are required in order to complete the submission process.
  • In addition to individual submissions, TPC members may also organize a complete session. The Latex templates for both type of submissions is the same.

While preparing your contribution, please use the following Latex files: [LaTeX style file], [LaTeX example]

To submit the abstract, please go the Submit an Abstract  page.

For questions regarding the submissions, please send an email to

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